Leadership Recognition

“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”


Huntley’s Leadership Council is involved in many school spirit and community activities to promote school-wide student involvement. The council initiates and encourages participation in such events as spirit days and monthly assemblies. Students of a variety of ages are also encouraged to get involved with the school community by becoming kindergarten helpers, morning announcers, nutrition distributors, mentors, and club and sport team members.


Our staff members have a wealth of professional qualifications including Bachelors and Masters degrees in Arts, Fine Arts, Physical Education and Sciences, as well as additional qualifications in Reading, Mathematics, Special Education, French as a Second Language, Music, Visual Arts, Guidance, and Computers in Education. They have actively participated in numerous district-wide professional development activities in literacy and numeracy, and we recognize their initiative by providing and supporting opportunities for further professional growth. We also recognize staff leadership via personal interactions with one another, letters of thanks, school announcements, school newsletters, assemblies, performance appraisals, and our principal’s report to School Council. Our staff have been recognized for excellence in the Board and Region including Mrs. Graff who won the OCDSB Arts Award in June 2012, and Mrs. Bowie, Mrs. Chick and Mrs. Clouthier who were finalist for the Teacher’s Award of Excellence in May 2011 for the National Capital Award of Teaching Excellence.


Last year, our volunteers contributed many hours of support for the benefit of students in our school. Our dedicated School Council meets monthly and provides financial contributions to enrich the curriculum. They support the cost of cultural and artistic groups for school-wide presentations. They further support our students by funding the purchase of various items identified by staff and parents. This past year, they provided us with funds to purchase more interactive white boards which are actively used daily by students and staff. As invaluable partners, we thank our parents, guardians and volunteers and look for opportunities to acknowledge them frequently through school announcements, our principal’s report to school council, school newsletters, and our annual volunteer appreciation event.


Huntley Centennial is involved with the school community on many levels. We have an annual school barbeque to foster community building. Student teachers from the University of Ottawa and other Bachelor of Education and related programs can be found at Huntley throughout the year.

Community partners support our grade 8 students; Dr. Cripps has contributed a scholarship for academic award winners and First Air has generously contributed a science prize for the recognition of the “Most Improved” science and technology student in grade eight and at our Leaving Ceremony.