Achievement and SLP

Achievement and School Learning Plan

Measures of Student Achievement and Success

Our school follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Student Evaluation, available on the Board’s website. We use ongoing assessment tools throughout the school year in all of our classes. Our senior kindergarten students are assessed using the Early Literacy Observation Tool (ELOT). Our primary students have their reading benchmarked throughout the year in reading using PM and GB+.

Students are assessed using a wide range of methods on a day-to-day basis including observation, rubrics, checklists, summatives, participation, PowerPoint presentations, and videos. Our students participate in the grades three and six provincial EQAO testing and their results are included in this profile.

School Learning Plan and Initiatives

Our School Learning Plan goals for the current year are based on enhancing our staff and student’s ability to question effectively. Our theory of action is “If we use specific strategies for effective questioning (risk-taking culture, higher-order questions, reflective practice/purpose of questions), then students will have an improved ability to use creative and critical thinking processes (e.g. Mathematics and Language Achievement Charts, Thinking category).

Staff and students are learning more about effective questioning so that our students can use their own questions to stimulate deeper thinking within each classroom. Our work will culminate with a school-wide Question Day in which all students will be engaged in a similar task and share their work with the school community. We always strive to create a school culture which is academically stimulating, and a learning environment in which students feel safe to explore the subject material in a variety of ways.

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